Sunday, January 13, 2008


Happy New year ! I'm so pleased I've been able to finally remember which email address I use here, and struck lucky on my password after so many attempts! This time I'll write them down, instead of relying on my computer (which has crashed 3 times last year) to remember them for me. Third time's the charm.

2007 was a good year in many ways- book out, nearly pulled by me, then actually out, got married, finally had a holiday, reached target weight. On the down side, I had alot of self confidence issues, and addressing them was hard work, and I wasn't able to launch Strip (a weird feeling, all that work than out without so much as a whimper or a single friend to see it and feel happy with me at the time.) I'm not sure what his year will bring- no holiday- but now I've been somewhere I really want to travel again. It is also seeing the end of mumus for me as i sort through my clothes and finally accept what fits and what just doesn't. (Took so long to do this.)

Finally i am having a belated launch for Strip in February- mostly because I didn't celebrate it at the time, and it seems as if people expect or want me to- they are right. If I only hide from people there is alot I'm mising out on potentially, as well as being sheltered from. I only sold 2 copies of Strip in Newcastle, but on the plus side I've heard of one or two people who liked it, which was lovely and encouraging to hear.The Crack gave Strip book of the month.

I was also thrilled to end 2008 with one of my poems being selected for analysis by Freida Hughes in The Times.

Me? In a newspaper I didn't print off on my computer? How weird is that?

Happy 2008 everyone- may all your dreams come true (except the weird ones involving finding yourself naked in front of your class mates!) :)



Gill said...

Happy new year to you too! A bit belated but haven't been on your blog for a while. A Poem in the TIMES!! Great Stuff!! may all your dreams come true too- but not the ones where you're on the toilet in a public place, being chased by harpies or going up an endless Escher staircase dragging a burden. Wait a minute! Those are MY dreams.

angela said...


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About Me

Poetry is like having an imaginary friend, who still forgets your birthday.