Saturday, April 15, 2006

January 06

January 06

So this is the first blog entry, I’m new to this, and have been meaning to set up a blog since New Year. The funny thing is, when I’m writing the last thing I would think about doing is sitting down and writing a blog, it’s sorta that feeling you get when you have your dissertation to do when you are at Uni and find yourself turning monosyllabic- “oh damn, I have to write so many words”-seems a trial to waste any. I get the blindness, the can’t look a PC anymore, so it’ll be interesting as to how this works out.

I’m writing this in February. Summary of January is hard. It's that usual thing of cleaning up before Christmas, messing it up with Christmas, and then cleaning Christmas away. I think January is the hardest month of the year, as the winter seems so long, and after Christmas it feels like there is nothing to look forward to. What surprised me this year is getting back to work after New Year, it felt easier than usual. I wasn’t putting it off. I spent most of January in research mode, I read work by poets I’d been meaning to get round to, and started on some new books that finally arrived from America. I read some Leonard Cohen, and there was one book I couldn’t put down, which was the Traci Lords biography. I knew I needed it for research, but didn’t make any notes when I read it, which worried me. I think I just needed it to stay in my head for a while, knowing I might come back to it was enough for the time being.

At the end of the month I read at NWN up and coming event, where four poets read. I’m not that comfy with daytime readings, I wear too much make-up and look out of place, but it was nice to have a gig so soon in the year to feel like a poet again after the furry footed Christmas sensation. Alphabetical order, so of course I had to read last, which means following really good poets, which is daunting. The only thing about the event that seemed slightly odd was to call it an up and coming poets event, the reason is I wonder if that is something that will put audiences off turning up. I think these events are necessary, but I wish there was a better name for them- I mean, if you want to see a musician you go and see a musician, not a rehearsal. So if you want to see a poet, would you really want to go and see an almost poet? There must be another name for poets who aren’t well known yet that sounds more appealing. Any suggestions?

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About Me

Poetry is like having an imaginary friend, who still forgets your birthday.