Wednesday, June 06, 2007

On the road

Waking time:6am

Destination: Lake Tahoe, casino

What it looks nearest like: Twin Peaks

I start the day by walking to Pier 39, to say goodbye to the seals, and when I leave the hotel leave the maid her tip by the coffee machine. There is something about it that looks incomplete and for no reason I wish I could leave it tied in a pink ribbon under a white paper crane.

I haven't been looking forward to the driving bit, and the first part is the worst. We spend two hours just trying to get out of the city, so many one way streets, and trams and hills, and the sat nav woman keeping her lips stitched shut. By the time we make it onto Route 80 I am so happy I understand why the pope is so fond of kissing the floor. The sat nav has resumed her sweet nothings and he can't get enough. The terrain is changing once we are past Sacramento, climbing roads entwining the trees, pine looking on as the breeze tickles ancient chants from their bones. Past Jackson, log cabins. Forest, waterfall and Lake.

When we arrive in Tahoe he takes the sat nav box off the dash and kisses it. He has to keep his baby sweet. I am tired and starting to feel it, looking out of the window at the blue lights of the casino opposite and the reflections of fireworks behind us in the windows opposite filled with dark stone columns of people staring out. I've definetey looked better. I take a short walk, eat and take a bath. All day I look forward to taking off my shoes and looking at my feet.

New Food tried: Swordfish

Verdict: Turkey-fish

New food tried: California roll sushi

Verdict: Mm, can I make this?

Tahoe feels like a different country, without me realising we were ever leaving one.

Falling asleep to: Something on the Discovery Channel involving penguins and seals.


Gill said...

Loving these atmospheric snippets!

angela said...

Thanks Gill- someone got me a travel journal for christmas, and i was adamant that i wouldn't keep it pristine and looking beautiful and sparse like i do with all nice notebooks!

Gill said...

good excuse to go travelling- maybe someone will buy me one too!

About Me

Poetry is like having an imaginary friend, who still forgets your birthday.